Counseling In Schools is supporting the emotional and social well-being of New York City school communities.

Counseling In Schools is supporting the emotional and social well-being of New York City school communities.

A Vital Resource

Counseling In Schools embeds staff in schools to create and foster healing-centered relationships. Our mission is to advance the positive impact of education on society by providing dynamic school-based social and emotional learning interventions.

Working with strengths and through communities, our staff joins the journey of children, families, teachers and administrators to reach our full potential.

Counseling In Schools helps support schools where lack of guidance counselors is a concernThroughout the nation’s school districts, the average ratio of students to mental health and counseling professionals is 482:1

The New York City school district is no exception.

Counseling In Schools helps support schools where lack of guidance counselors is a concernThe national average ratio of students to individual counseling professionals hired directly by school districts is 482:1

The New York City school district metrics are consistent with this overwhelming responsibility.

Counseling In Schools reaches thousands of children in public schools and homeless shelters in NYC each year.

In the 2020 – 2021 school year, Counseling In Schools provided 125 mental health professionals and youth development specialists to 91 NYC public schools and served 6,750 students – that is a ratio of 54 to 1!

Our staff consists of advanced-level mental health professionals and youth development specialists who possess extensive experience in child and family counseling. Our professionals are qualified to meet the unique needs of each community we serve.

Parents and Families

Services and support for the broad school community

Ways we help »

School Administrators

Partnering to improve outcomes with on-site services and support

How we collaborate »


Personalized support in achieving their goals

Our involvement »

School Staff

A more energized and resilient school community

how we serve »

More than ever, our children need help

Students and school communities are facing difficult challenges every day to build on their strengths in the face of endemic trauma, violence, bullying, discrimination, anxiety, stress or family troubles.

More than ever, children in NYC need the help of organizations like Counseling in Schools

Many children cope with loss, chronic stress and homelessness.

of youth in NYC

experience depression

Children in NYC

lost a parent or a caregiver to COVID

113,000 students in nyc

lived in temporary housing last year

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Counseling in Schools awakens possibilities for New York City children and schools

Empowering New York City’s children to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally

At Counseling In Schools, we’re a powerful component of the New York City education system. We create programs that equip children, families, teachers, and administrators with the tools and support to address:

  • Attendance improvement/dropout prevention
  • Violence Prevention
  • Burnout mitigation for staff
  • Crisis response
  • Out-of-school time youth development
  • Social and emotional literacy
  • Socio-cultural “Trauma”
Counseling In Schools Real-World Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Partners in Healing artwork drawing of a person reaching for a star

Partners In Healing

Partners in Healing is a powerful resource center born from our years of experience supporting school personnel and families with the language and tools to be trauma-informed and healing-centered in their relationships with their children.

Our community partners understand the need and support our work promoting the social and emotional growth of children. We are grateful for their support.

Deutsche Bank sponsoring Counseling In Schools
Fortis Lux Financial sponsoring Counseling In Schools
K&L Gates logo sponsoring Counseling In Schools
Meringoff Family Foundation sponsoring Counseling In Schools
Fortis Lux Financial sponsoring Counseling In Schools
First Republic Bank logo sponsoring Counseling in Schools
Capital One logo sponsoring Counseling In Schools
Webster Bank logo sponsoring Counseling In Schools

Hope, purpose and determination can flourish.

Together, let’s work toward a bright, resilient future for New York City’s children, families and schools.