Supporting New York City Students

Personalized guidance in achieving their goals

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Counseling In School students cheering
Counseling In Schools young student smiling
Counseling in Schools student working on automotive
Counseling in Schools young student drawing as an example of art therapy
Counseling In Schools high school student concentrating
Counseling in Schools Remote Learning
Counseling In School students cheering
Counseling In Schools young student smiling
Counseling in Schools student working on automotive
Counseling in Schools young student drawing as an example of art therapy
Counseling In Schools high school student concentrating
Counseling in Schools Remote Learning

A student’s learning life isn’t limited to what happens in the classroom or between school bells.

For some, school is a safe haven. For others, it’s where they feel least comfortable. Counseling In Schools helps students with personalized support to apply their strengths and achieve their goals, cultivating relationships without judgment or an imposing point of view.

Counseling Services

Individual, group, and family counseling help students develop emotional and social well-being within caring relationships.

Counseling in Schools offers counseling services
Counseling in Schools high school students creating art

Creative Arts Therapies

Visual arts, mural design, creative writing, poetry, spoken word, dance, authentic movement, music, theater and photography are just some of the ways we expand the opportunities for self-expression that foster emotional well-being and healthy communities.

Youth Development

Youth development activities bridge the access and opportunity gaps that stand in the way of positive socialization for many students. Our programs expand access to healthy extracurricular activities and deepen connections to surrounding communities.

Counseling In Schools offers youth development services, student participating in extracurricular activities
Counseling In Schools students participating in restorative practices

Restorative Practices

Drawn from multi-generational and multi-cultural sources, restorative practices in school settings give voice and agency to students who had otherwise been disengaged from the school community.

Young people today cope with:

  • Violence
  • Identity development
  • Bullying
  • Loss
  • Discrimination
  • Motivation
  • Isolation
  • Anxiety

Our counselors are trained to equip and support students in developing skills to prevent and deal with challenges and realize new opportunities.

Let’s Strengthen the Student Experience

We help schools and families with collaborative, creative approaches to students’ experiences. Let’s have a conversation about your possibilities.